100+ Followers!! <3

OMG!! I reached 100 followers on Monday! I would’ve posted a thank you post sooner but I had to wait till the weekends, so… It’s Saturday and I now have 110 followers! All in less than three months!

A huge heartfelt thanks for that! You guys are the most amazing and supportive blogger friends a girl could ask for! Words cannot describe how happy and grateful I am for your comments, love and support!

Starting this blog has proven to be one of the best decisions I’ve made in life. Best decision EVER. I really want to hug each and every one of you right now.

I hope you know just how special and important you are to me and how much I love every single one of you! I’m sorry but I can’t afford to host a giveaway at the moment, postage is really expensive and by the end of next week I’ll be broke… again… Anyways, I’ll be doing what Analee @ Book Snacks has been doing since she reached 100 followers: post 10 tags over the next 10 weeks, and tag 10 followers. I may add an extra week or two if I gain more followers. I’ll be following a sequence so it may take time to reach some of you but feel free to do the tag anyway. Let me know if you’ve discovered any tags and I’ll add them to my “tags-to-do” list!

Once again, thank you and if you ever need someone to talk to about anything, you know where to find me! Wait… you don’t know where to find me, do you?

Besides my blog, you can find me on Twitter @heartinthebooks, I check my email everyday so you can also email me at headinthecloudsheartinthebooks@gmail.com.

I love you guys and wish you all the best! Hugs! ❤

44 thoughts on “100+ Followers!! <3

  1. analeeluvsbooks says:

    YAYYYY!!!! I knew this day would be coming soon, your blog is amazing and I’m proud to call myself a follower and a friend of yours! ❤ (At least I hope I'm a friend…!) 😉 I'm so happy there are so many other people out there who agree. Well-deserved congratulations to you! 😀 Love your blog!


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