I’m Back!!!


Hell0 lovelies!! I am so excited to be back on my blog and to be writing this post! On the outside I’m just sitting down in front of my laptop and typing away; on the inside I’m hopping around like a bunny given fresh carrots!

So much has happened since my last post and I am eager to share it with you all, so read on…

  • SPM finished

SPM is the final exam a high school student in Malaysia sits for. It goes on for a month give or take and it is such a relief to be finally done with it. Goodbye exam stress; goodbye last minute revision and goodbye cramming 5 years worth of education into one month of exams. Adios!

Hell0 blog; hello bloggers; hello books; hello TV and hello college planning!

  • Prom

Three friends and I successfully planned and executed Senior Prom 2K15. It was all very last minute and a lot of work but the outcome was worth it.

The people who made it happen! (I’m the one in the peach dress on the left)

Girl power!

I almost kissed a girl…


I let it go and danced to a bunch of EDM. It was more awkward flailing to be honest. No photos of that, sorry!

I was also reunited with an old friend… and lucky enough to make a new one who is a bookworm!

Here’s the Prom King and Queen:

Here’s a group photo:

I seriously do not have a clue what that guy was doing on the floor.

Overall, it was a fun and memorable way to wrap up five years of high school.

  • Big Bad Wolf book fair

My mom and I each got a preview pass to the Big Bad Wolf book fair and that meant entrance to the fair a day before it officially opened to public! And the best part about it is I got 95 books out of it!

I went on the second day and got an additional 24 books. So, it’s a total of 119 books in a single fair. As expected, a book haul is due and you wont have to wait long because tomorrow is the day! The day I post the book haul, I mean…


About an hour or two ago I found out that I’ve reached 350 followers and it means so much to me. I honestly thought after months of inactivity my follower count wasn’t going anywhere and that bloggers would have forgotten all about me and my blog.

What I find even more astounding is that you people are still tagging me in tags and nominating me in awards. Thank you for staying faithful and patiently awaiting my return.


I am psyched to get back to reading novels and not school books! So far, I have read Let It Snow by various authors, Unleash the Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon and just finished with Unbreakable by Kami Garcia and I’ll probably start with the sequel tonight. You can expect a book haul tomorrow and a review or tag the day after. Basically, me making up for lost time. Hugs! ❤

P.S. It feels great to be back!

29 thoughts on “I’m Back!!!

  1. Zin says:

    Welcome back, Tasha! Woooo, you made it through, CONGRATULATIONNNSSSS! Gah I really want to check out the photos but they just won’t load, will definitely be checking on them later on. YOU CAN NOW READ AS MANY BOOKS AS YOU WANT, YOU CAN NOW SPEND DAYS AFTER DAYS READING NON-STOP WITHOUT THE NAGGING FEELING OF HAVING TO STUDY, WOOOOO. 💙


  2. vrushali21 says:

    You got 119 books!!!! And that too in two days!!! That’s great. I’m waiting for the day I finish my school that is just 3 months away! 🙂 enjoy your time with books!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Nerdybirdy @ Daydreaming Books says:

    WELCOME BACK TASHA!! I missed you sooo much. And congratulations on finally finishing your exams!! Your prom pictures look awsome and you seriously look pretty! And 119 books! Why am I not surprised! 😉 Nonetheless I will be eagerly waiting for that post! I’m just so glad you’re back! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tasha says:

      Thank you, it feels good to be back!
      Aww.. thanks! I was initially going to pair it with 5 inch heels but I ended up going with 3 inch ones, I think, so I kept almost-stepping on the hem of my dress. It was for the best though, I don’t think I’d be able to walk straight in 5 inch heels. :/
      That’s what we were aiming for and I’m glad it turned out like that! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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