May 1st Book Haul


Sorry ’bout the quality. My room has really crappy lighting.

Oh my God guys, I am so happy!! I went to the MPH Warehouse Sale today and got 18 books and a bunch of Tarot Card sets! I even got a signed copy of Four by Veronica Roth for FREE!

If you guys are wondering how the hell does one get a signed copy of Four FREE, especially in Malaysia, then read on. First, MPH is a local bookstore here in Malaysia and every once or twice a year they organize a book fair in the warehouse where they store all the yummy-licious books. The point of this sale is to clear old stock so they can make way for the new ones. But every once in a while you do find books that are fairly new going for really insane prices. Insane as in “lets just snatch a few copies of this and that!”. So as usual, I went crazy and started piling the books up like money grew on trees. cue Story of My Life Oh and back to getting Four (the book not the guy) for free. There was this contest I joined a few days before the sale. The question was:

If you can choose a faction in Divergent, which faction would it be and why?

My answer:

I would be in Dauntless because they’re super tough, confident, brave, not afraid to kick some Erudite brains with their butt-kicking skills and they don’t care for pansycakes!

And voilà! I got an email saying I won a few days later.

By clicking the images below you’ll be sent to their respective Goodreads pages


Four by Veronica Roth


I am totally obsessed with this cover. It’s just the coolest ever. The book jacket only covers three quarter of the book and as you can see it leaves only her eyes visible. When you take it off you get to see the rest. I think it’s super cute!

Belles by Jen Calonita


Reincarnation by Suzanne Weyn


The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater


Star Crossed by Elizabeth C. Bunce


A Touch Morbid by Leah Clifford


The Princess and the Bear by Mette Ivie Harrison


The Rouge by Trudi Canavan


Skylark by Meagan Spooner


Shadowlark by Meagan Spooner


Falling to Ash by Karen Mahoney


The Nightmare Garden by Caitlin Kittredge


Starters by Lissa Price


The Exiled Queen by Cinda Williams Chima


The Gray Wolf Throne by Cinda Williams Chima


Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor


Days of Blood & Starlight by Laini Taylor

While I am extremely satisfied with what I got, I still wish for more. You have to understand I usually buy like 50-100 books at a single book fair. But that’s the Big Bad Wolf Book Fair, a different story altogether. I guess for a smaller scale sale 18 books and 5 Tarot card sets should be good enough. Who am I kidding? It’s perfect. In case you’re wondering how much I spent, I am proud to say I spent a grand total of RM167.

Guys, so that’s my most recent book haul. I love discovering new books so be sure to  post a link to your book haul or you could tell me in the comments! Happy reading and have a great day/night!  Hugs! ❤

14 thoughts on “May 1st Book Haul

      • Nerdybirdy @ Daydreaming Books says:

        Well they are okay, I live in India btw. 🙂 I fully have to depend on Amazon, Flipcart or Infibeam (I recently discovered this one), other than these I don’t have any options, normal bookstore are very less here and they charge way too much. Only last year our city held an international trade fair where I was able to buy 7 books at the cost of 2. But these kind of things are held very rarely.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Tasha says:

          You’re Indian? So am I!
          That sucks 😦
          I totally understand, the books sold at bookstores here are expensive too. Makes me think before I get a book, especially hardcovers, they’re like RM 60 to 70. City of Heavenly Fire was RM100+ last I checked.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Nerdybirdy @ Daydreaming Books says:

            Yep! That’s awsomeeee! 😀
            I was confused at first when I saw your picture and then saw you lived in Malaysia, I just didn’t think Indians could be living there as well! Silly me! 😛
            But thankfully I have 2 jobs alongside college, which is stressful but I am able to buy 3 books per month and saving half the other money.
            I still have to read the last 3 books of the MI seies, one festive month there was a huge discount thingy going, I ended up buying all the six books together of that series.

            And I have the ebooks of the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy, do let me know when you are gonna read them, maybe we can buddy read together if you want. *Hopes she says yes and agress to read in July though it seems such a long time but my exams finishes and I am FREE FREE FREE*
            That was way dramatic, wasn’t it? 😛

            Liked by 1 person

            • Tasha says:

              I’m actually Chindian (Chinese+Indian)
              I’m still in high school, can’t wait to get a job while waiting for my results! Hopefully I can continue working while in college.
              City of Heavenly Fire is LIFE, seriously!
              My final exams finishes in December (it’s a 1 month exam), but I can definitely make time to read, especially in July. ‘Cause I would have finished my mid-terms by then. And I’ve never buddy read before so it’ll be cool! I would love to! 😀
              Naah, I’m like that too! 😉

              Liked by 1 person

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